Friday, January 30, 2015

Cars and airplanes!

Today we read the book I Stink. In small groups we painted a car and made magnetic airplanes! You can hang them on the frig at home! We welcomed a new friend today! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Today we read the book Down by the Station. In small groups we laced a car then glittered it, we cut out an airplane then colored it, and we flew paper airplanes! Our Star of the week shared her board with her mama and read a personalized Frozen book that had her name in it! So cute! Have a great evening and we'll see you tomorrow, Ms. Ashley

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Letter Q

Today we learned the letter Q. We sang our alphabet song! In small groups we picked out words that start with the letter Q and we wrote our names on transportation! Our Star of the week shared her purse and her ring with us today! We also celebrated a birthday! See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Today we read the book Chuck the Dump Truck. In small groups we played airplane bingo and we painted with cars! Our Star of the week shared some toys and a book then her Daddy came to eat lunch with her! Fun day! See you tomorrow, Ms. Ashley

Monday, January 26, 2015


We're learning about transportation with week! Today we read the book Freight Train. In small groups we glued a train in order by number, we built a train track, and we sorted transportation with the Ipad! Our Star of the week shared her mermaid and crown today! We also celebrated two birthdays! See you tomorrow, Ms. Ashley

Friday, January 23, 2015

Last day for opposites!

Today we read the book Quiet and Loud. In small groups we ripped light and dark colors to make a collage and we found hard and soft items! We had a play dough hay-day today! So we all sat down and played with play dough for awhile! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and we'll see you on Monday!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Today we read the book Round Trip. First you read the book one way then you flip it over and read it the other way! In small groups we played with wet and dry flour! We painted with black and white paint! We sorted hot and cold stuff! Our Star of the Week shared her board with us! Fun day! See you tomorrow, Ms. Ashley!